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安科瑞 師晴晴

江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司 江蘇江陰

1.項目概述 Project overview:


The company that do lithium batteries need to use DC Hall sensors to transmit DC current to the 4-20mA analog signal output. After confirming the input and output and working power, the customer chose AHKC-EKA and AHKC-EKAA.

2.開口式霍爾傳感器優(yōu)點Advantages of open type Hall sensor


1)原邊副邊絕緣強度高,可達AC 12kV隔離;



4) 安裝時無需拆卸原邊電纜或母排,特別適用于不允許斷電設(shè)備的改造施工。

Compared with the traditional DC current measurement method generally adopted by shunt or transformer, the open-type Hall sensor has the following advantages:

1) High insulation strength of primary side and secondary side, up to AC 12KV isolation;

2) No insertion loss;

3) Good dynamic performance: the response time is less than 20uS and the tracking speed Di /dt is higher than 20A/ uS

4) There is no need to disassemble the original side cable or bus during installation. It is especially suitable for the transformation and construction of equipment that is not allowed to lose power.

3.產(chǎn)品選型Product Selection


霍爾電流傳感器主要應用在工廠改造直流配電系統(tǒng)中,如電廠直流電源系統(tǒng)改造、光伏,UPS,電機系統(tǒng)等,它能將系統(tǒng)中原邊直流電流信號轉(zhuǎn)換成為標準DC± 5V或4-20mA輸出,起到了監(jiān)測和電氣隔離作用,可與多回路監(jiān)控儀表或其他電氣測量儀表配套使用。

Hall current sensor is mainly used in factory transformation of DC power distribution system, photovoltaic, UPS, motor system, etc. It can convert the primary DC current signal in the system into a standard DC ± 5V or 4-20mA output, which plays a role in monitoring and electrical isolation , It can be used with multi-loop monitoring instruments or other electrical measuring instruments.

5 .結(jié)論Conclusion


Open-end Hall current sensor plays an important role in the application of DC system because of its simple structure, convenient installation, reliable operation .

參考文獻 Bibliography

1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04

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